Horizon Zero Dawn: The story of a young girl named Aloy

Horizon Zero Dawn is an action role-playing game played from a third-person pov point of view. Players take control of Aloy, a girl hunter who ventures through a post-apocalyptic land ruled by robotic creatures. 

Aloy can kill enemies in a variety of ways – setting traps such as tripwires using the Tripcaster, shooting them with arrows, using explosives, and a spear.

Machine components, including electricity and the metal they are composed of, are vital to Aloy's survival. She can loot their remains for crafting resources. 

Ammo, resource satchels, pouches, quivers, resistance, antidotes(to heal), health potions, and traps can all be crafted. Weapons have mods or modification slots for dealing more damage in close combat or ranged attacks. Aloy wears a Focus, a small headpiece that scans machines to determine their weak spots and strengths, identify their location, their level, and the type and ammount of loot, they will drop.

Missions- Aloy goes on adventures to help people of different cities find a lost one or some jewellery stolen from them. She also defends villages from bandit attacks and makes many allies as she journeys through the land.

One machine, the Stalker, can enable cloaking technology to avert the gaze of Aloy's Focus scan. Machines attack with defensive and offensive measures, and in either case, react to a distinguished warning by charging at it with brute force or projectiles.

Exhibiting the behaviour of wild animals, some machines are inclined to move in herds, and others, with the ability to fly, do so in flocks

Unless hacked with the Override Tool, or sufficiently hit with corruption arrows, machines do not exert aggressive force against each other. 

The override tool is a device that Aloy attached to her spear. This tool gives her the ability to hack and control certain machines. By hunting and looting resources from the evil machines she destroys she upgrades her spear to make larger machines overridable.

Aloy also engages in battle with human enemies, such as bandits and the Eclipse cult.

Cult- a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object

Override tool- As you play through Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy will eventually be able to "override" machines that she encounters. This allows her to gain allies that fight beside her and — in some cases — lets her traverse the world quickly by riding on them.

Not all machines can be ridden, however, and you can't override every one you encounter right out of the gate. 

Click on the link below to watch a tutorial on how to ride a Broadhead : -

Broadhead override tutorial

Tallnecks are huge and tall as the name suggests. Once they are overridden the other Tallnecks can be located on Aloy's map. By overriding all Tallnecks, Aloy expands her map Aloy easily locates all enemy camps and Strider and Broadhead sites.

Tallneck override tutorial

The effects and graphics in this game are amazing! The finesse with which Aloy the main character moves is just mesmerising!

Click on this link to watch me as Aloy show you the amazing finesse with which the character moves

Fighting two beasts at a time sounds challenging and I assure you, it is! But no beast is a match for brave and smart Aloy (AKA me as I am controlling her in the game) Click on the link below to watch me single-handedly handling two icy beasts - The Frostclaws! 

Frontier Justice: Handling two Frostclaws simultaneously


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