The art of undertsanding women
Small gifts can be more impactful then large ones at times. Let me give you an example. Umm, let's say I made my mom a card on her birthday when I was 5 and misspelt everything in it. Like made Birthday birfday or write momi instead of mommy and my dad bought her a Mercedes. Sorry dad but mom loved my gift more cause she loves me more!
And honestly, that's the truth! Mom's love their children more than their husbands. "women are impossible to understand" said every man on this planet. Well... not really. When you were young how was it so that you knew when your mom was sad or angry or unhappy about something? how did you know? Cause she's your mom! that's the only answer you can think of, isn't it? Well, you may or may not be right.
It's like you have a connection with your mom. Almost like quantum entanglement. Don't know what that is? Well, let me explain to you in simple words. It's like two best friends who think the same way move the same way act the same way. The thing with quantum entanglement is if two particles are entangled and are at the other ends of the universe they will move the exact same way! in every tiny detail. Its fascinating isn't it!
So how does this have anything to do with understanding women? Well, nothing really but this concept will help you understand the bigger picture. When you were small you could understand your mom and well she's a woman.
How were you able to do so? It's simple really. When you were small, you were innocent and were not exposed to even a per cent of the facts that gen z's youth is exposed to. You understood only what your parent's and teacher's said. Now that you're all grown up and have a wife and daughter or son or even a dog or cat really...
You feel like you have control. You want to be the boss you never were. And that mentality ruins everything. You're now old enough to make your own decisions but not all the time. If your wife tells you something to do and it is hardly difficult then why don't you just do it?
You have many responsibilities, get stressed and pressurized etc. So does your wife. I think the role of men in this world is to be happy and make other's happy. That's the role of all humans really. But men don't understand just this one thing. If you aren't happy yourself how in the world will you make your family happy?
If you're unhappy your family will be too. if you're angry your family will be angry at the fact that you're angry! If your unhappy and can change that... do it! Cause the only way you can make your family happy when you're really sad is by making yourself happy. Moral of the story: you don't need to understand women to make them happy. And yes, it is impossible to understand women : D
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